Monday, July 29, 2013

Mental Karate

This is the way to use your mind to acquire new skills and abilities quickly.

The NLP strategies shown in this Mental Karate mind map, can be applied to any sport as well as other activities.

Ultimately, when people are competent at what they do, when knowledge and physical skill are equal, the difference that makes the difference for the top achievers is their mental game.

How well they can perform mental karate, will be the factor that makes them the winner.

  • The first two branches explain how minds use Neuro-Linguistic Programs.
  • The third branch is an NLP strategy for gaining or generating new behavior.
  • The fourth branch is an NLP strategy for overcoming hesitation to "Go for it".
  • The last branch explains the best way of calibrating body language.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Why should I Tolerate People's Poor Behavior towards me?" .....Solved this via NLP

Problem :People can do mean, hurtful things, and it's OK when you're on the receiving end of this to feel hurt!   Hurt tells us something.  It tells an abused spouse, that there is something wrong that needs addressing.  We don't want to teach people not to feel!  What do people do when real stuff is happening, and there is hurt?
God gave us a very good emotional system to discern quickly when someone is treating us poorly, to feel it and adjust. If we are to connect, be real, and get along, there needs to be a better way
And feel when someone is genuine, wants to engage, and go with that.  Probably due to my issue of not feeling good enough, I tolerated people’s poor behavior toward me for a long time.  My awareness has helped me see it now and change.
Solution :Yes our feelings do give us very important information, and feeling your pain lets you know something is wrong, and motivates you to do something about it.  But how you interpret the meaning of your feelings is vitally important, as it affects what you are motivated to do about it. The framework you are in determines whether you end up making the pain worse; or are just getting relief for the moment; or are removing yourself from the pain in one form, only to find yourself in the same kind of pain in another form; or whether you are actually getting to the root of the problem in order to really solve the issue. 
When people are in emotional pain, the root of the pain is a limiting decision*, such as that you are not good enough, not worthy of respect, or not worthy of being taken seriously.  The only way someone can elicit these kinds of feelings in you is if you already believed them to be true in the first place.  All the other person has really done is bring the painful feeling to the surface.  If you believe the source of your pain is the other person, then you think defending yourself against that person will solve the problem.  But since that painful feeling is a limiting decision* in you, it is a part of a pattern in your life.  That means it comes up over and over again in similar kinds of circumstances with similar kinds of people.  If you don’t deal with the root of it in you, it will keep coming up, and you will keep feeling at the mercy of anyone who brings it up in you.
If you have tolerated people's poor behavior toward you because of the limiting decision* that you’re not good enough, the solution is not about learning how to stand up to those people or about judging their behavior.  The solution is to address your feelings of being not good enough.  That is an internal process, not an external process.  Other people’s behavior becomes unimportant when you are dealing with what is being triggered in you.  But it is everything when you are not dealing with it.  When you are not dealing with your own issues, other people are defining your reality, and you are living in reaction to them, rather than from your own center.  In fact you would probably be unconsciously motivated to seek out people who treat you as if you’re not good enough, in order to get them to treat you differently, as if that would solve the problem.
If, instead, you were coming from your own center, of course you wouldn't be putting yourself in harm's way.  You would automatically be making different choices in your life and would not be attracted to people who don’t treat you well.  You would be relating to people differently and you would be perceiving people differently.  Your world would cease to be defined by your limiting decisions*.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

NLP enables you

Correcting Perception
When you know in some situation, you are right in your terms, yet others make wrong judgments in perceiving you.

You will be able to figure out other’s ‘perceptual grid’ & change their perception

Modelling Excellence
You come across individuals who have a knack, a special talent or an exceptional ability. Chances are, you get feelings of being deprived, beaten up or resolving ‘I Must work hard”. This way you eventually end up in working hard and still getting less.

Rather than doing anything randomly, you follow such special people strategically. We call it in NLP, achieving excellence by modeling.

NLP is known for 'Modeling' by eliciting mental Strategies and model them. It is a very elegant approach

Desired Emotional Balance
There are times when you try to keep your cool but somehow disturbing forces try to put you off-track.

You can quickly regain balance and make a choice and be a Light Hearted person most of the time.

Rapport, Negotiation, Influence & Impact etc
Most important people and precious opportunities come to you with no prior announcement. You want to make the most from it.

You will come to know a generative process to learn about people instantly by Calibrating and use specific strategy to influence them. You will learn to Pace with Rapport & Lead people to make them irresistibly agree with what you say.

Being Resourceful 
Every new situation has a challenge and chance to grow. NLP is also about having a chance to be Your-Self.

Using every bit of Inner Resources you Possess – Access them, Multiply them & Re-Apply them in Numerous areas !

Exceeding the usual limits
Living an outstanding life is ‘going extra mile’. But problems are a part of life. Challenge is how to come out with solutions quickly and flexibly.

Just by using simple skills of NLP, you can easily stretch them to think beyond limitations; collapsing their Anchors help them break through the boundaries.

Increasing self-worth and belongingness
Times when circumstances are not favorable and feelings in a situation or negotiation pull your self esteem too low. You need something to work for you.

You will get to know strategies to impact deep heart feelings, raise self-worth and belonging-ness using Anchoring and Swish Patterns. Dissolve low Self-Esteem. Intensify positive feelings that you have, improve upon qualities required to succeed & deserve to be triumphant in realizing personal vision.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Fundamentals of NLP :

1. Know what you want (Outcome / Direction)
One of the key NLP questions is ‘What do you want?’. The human nervous system
can be thought of as goal-seeking, and you tend to get what you focus on. Wellformed outcomes are an important tool for ensuring that you get more of what you
want in your life.

2. Get the attention of the unconscious mind (Rapport)
"The map is not the territory." You must start where the person you wish to influence
is (the ‘Present State’.) Rapport is the process of getting the attention and trust of
the unconscious mind.

3. Know whether you’re getting what you want (Sensory Acuity)
Once you know where you want to go, you need to be able to notice (using one or
more senses) whether or not you are going there. Sensory acuity refers to the ability
to notice the signs that you are moving in the right direction (or otherwise.)

4. Adjust what you’re doing accordingly (Behavioural Flexibility)
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result."
When you notice that you are not getting what you want, you need the flexibility to
change what you are doing in order to get a different result. "Intelligence is the
ability to have a fixed goal and be flexible about how you achieve it."

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

9 Skills You Acquire after getting Trained with NLP

  1. Take instant control of your emotions and develop emotional mastery in an extremely short span of time.
  2. Identify the limitations which are holding you ‘back’ and break through them as easily as eating ice-cream.
  3. Develop new skills quickly and easily through the magnificent art of NLP modelling. Yes, you can ‘copy’ success.
  4. Discover your inner hidden potential that you never knew existed before.
  5. Put life in your personal relationships.
  6. Learn to be an effective and powerful communicator
  7. Develop a magnetic, super-confident personality in no time.
  8. Become a natural positive thinker.
  9. Confidently create and achieve goals in short times....and much more.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

You and Emotions

What can you do to improve your emotional quality of life?
Set goals to become more aware of your own states. Set goals to be less reactive emotionally, and more proactive, so that your emotional states depend less on what happens to you, and more on your own choices.
If you do not know how to use anchors, just think of an emotion you want, like calmness if you are anxious, and remember one of your best memories of feeling really calm. In your imagination put yourself fully back into this memory for at least a minute, noticing what you are seeing and hearing around you in the memory until you feel calmer. You can use this process for any emotional state and the more often you use it the easier and quicker it becomes. Pretty much the only thing that will stop you, is believing that you can’t. Practice believing you can.
Your emotions can teach you a lot about your values and what is really important to you. For example, if something makes you feel really angry, a core value may have been violated. What is it? Anger isn’t necessarily bad, but lack of anger management skills usually is. Learn how to express anger appropriately in the specific context. There are a wide range of emotional skills you can improve.
You will find that daily reflective journalling is one of the most useful practices to enable you to continue to develop your emotional intelligence skills, and improve life genrally. Which particular applications of emotional intelligence would make the most difference to your quality of life, and to those around you? Enjoy exploring this further.
Go well, be well.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Science Behind Persuasion... with NLP

Persuasion. Manipulation.
Getting other people to say yes!
Helping others.
Call it what you will…
Persuading others is a key skill to succeeding in life.
There are countless methods and ways we are all influence-able.
However not all methods are universal.
Yet there are six are.
Six tactics that act as universal "shortcuts" and can be used to influence your choices and make you and me more malleable to being persuaded to yes.
Watch the above video to learn more as Robert Cialdini & Steve Martin cover all six universal shortcuts of persuasion.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Selling With NLP

Selling: The ability to sell.... is it really a skill some people are born with or is it a process, sales cycle steps, to learn and apply? 

"Runs Like A Well Oiled Machine"  is a common metaphor for an effective and profitable business.  This means that the business has an effective process that generates orders for the value the business provides, as well as an effective process of providing that value.

SALES ($ALE$): To motivate, persuade and influence people into making mutually beneficial decisions.
Most NLP sales trainings, sales books and sales seminars focus on the skills to motivate, persuade and influence people  They may also instruct in marketing, presentation, proposal and closing strategies, even exact phrasing to use, for specific industries and specific products.  Businesses also have existing resources, the things already done and said to generate sales.  These are all components to be assembled (and tested) on the framework of your Sales Buy-Cycle, to make it run smoother... and  faster... so that you win more often.

Sales is what drives every business.  Get your Sales Buy-Cycle going with the resources you have, then call on the experts that can help improve each step.  Now you have a model of the selling process, a place to use and test the knowledge in sales books and trainings.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Self - Perfection with NLP

Some people hold this notion (their idea of perfection) in their mind as their criteria for success. The best definition of success I have ever heard is, "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."

This 'worthy ideal' can be shared in whole or in part by many people, a few, or only one individual. I often find that clients who feel unhappy, unsuccessful, unworthy or low self esteem (whatever you want to call it), have no idea what the 'worthy ideal' is for them. Getting these clients to use the following optimum performance strategies, achieves dramatically positive results; feelings of accomplishment, self satisfaction and happiness.

Universal Connection. You know that you are comprised of a wide variety of atoms. Where do your atoms come from? Energy (at the heart of atoms) cannot be created nor destroyed. It can be converted. That being the case, your atoms have been in existence since the beginning of the universe. Since the beginning of time, energy from the sun and earth is converted into the food you eat and converted into you. You are an ongoing transformation of the energy in this universe. A transformation of energy so intricate and marvelous that you can reflect upon yourself and the universe, a way for the universe to examine itself! Realize now that you are connected to everything, in all of time. Realize that you are interacting with everyone and everything. i.e. Whether you speak out or are silent - you have an effect!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Remember,Recall and Relish with NLP

When was the last time you wondered about something and then got frustrated trying to remember?
Have you ever remembered anything partially and then got stuck for hours to recall?

Do you know that all of our experiences and memories are a result as of what we see, hear, feel, touch and smell? In NLP these senses are referred as the as the representational system.
But it’s not simple a model of five senses. Each system receives information/knowledge/communication and then activates memories to produce behavior. For e.g. – you hear a romantic song …whom did you remember?
As we receive this  information/knowledge from our senses, our brain codes them in the same manner. For eg., when we receive information visually, say …you saw an amazing car, or a wonderful dress. Then our brain codes this information as a ‘picture’.

The same way, brain codes information received ‘auditorily’ as sounds and words. Likewise, the information received in through our feelings is coded as a feeling or emotion
Let’s explore more with this illustration - We wrote this text in a software like word. So to save it we use a word file/format. And if later we have to retrieve this file again, we must retrieve it from the same format.

Similarly, when we store a memory visually, we will recall and describe that memory using visual language. Thus, we preserve the ‘format’ of visual. If we hear something and store it as a memory of sounds, we will recall and express that experience using auditory language.
So … the mind codes learning and memories the way we learned them. And we recall these memories, in the same rep system.
Let’s say - Suppose you bought a nice dress.
Suppose that you had already have seen a picture of that dress that you particularly liked. At the store you would look at the inventory. In choosing a dress to purchase, you would compare the dress which salesman shows you with the stored memory of the dress you wished to buy. Thus, you used the visual rep system both to store and code the memory of the dress you desired to purchase. You used the visual rep system to see the dress you wanted to consider buying. And you used the visual rep system to recall the memory of the dress you desired to purchase and to compare it with the dress you wanted.
Now think of …in same situation if you had stored the memory in auditory format, for eg- your friend saying you ‘ wow ..that’s what I call a dress !.... ‘ so at the would be convinced to purchase a dress if you head someone say to you ‘ wow…that’s what I call a dress!
NLP helps you know your mode of storing information and most effective tools and techniques for faster recall …. Imagine the possibilities if you knew your representational system accurately! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Getting To Sleep: With NLP !

It's OK to sleep. IT IS OK TO SLEEP, you are safe, you will be OK and problems will be easier to manage as a result of sleeping. Ever hear "let me sleep on it"? Your unconscious mind is more capable than you at reviewing and sorting information while you sleep

Be awake when you need to be awake. : Being half asleep when you should be awake, is the same as being half awake when you should be asleep.If you are thinking of problems, write them down along with your ideas and musings. If you work at a brain dead job, pay attention instead of daydreaming or get a different job. If you are not working, get a project to work on

The easiest way to get your conscious internal processing to shut up and let you sleep, is to give it something to do that helps your mind relax. If your mind wanders onto other things, come back to paying attention to feeling each of the waves of deep relaxation spreading over your scalp and face. After you feel the first wave, you might notice yourself thinking "It cant relax more than this" but it does!  
After a little practice, this process has provided insomniac clients with the ability to sleep anytime and anywhere they want to.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

NLP can stop some-things out of many-things… …don’t ahead read..if you don’t want what you want!

Sure there are things that need to stop in your life. Have you ever over committing your time?…. remember when you said someone ‘I’ll be there no matter what’ and then you don’t make it?.
Ever said yes when you wanted to say no? .. do you want to stop saying yes…every-time? you keep saying yes to your boss?.

What about happiness.. when was the last time you expected others to make you feel happy? ..  and the blame-game? … ever played it? …want to stop? …you know the answer.
How about time? some say time keeps running and ruining us .. you've heard yourself and others say ‘ not enough time’… how about some who have said ‘I give time to everything I want’.

Stress creates mess…. Especially if stress is over things you can’t control or change. … Do you want to focus on things you can change?
When was the last time? did something you didn't want to do for the LAST time? … something need to stop … that NLP can stop!
Human behavior is influenced by conditioning and making choices based on stubborn perception. “I can’t get rid of speaking loud when angry!” … “ I keep eating when I am sad” …. “ I feel nobody loves me” …”I think nothing works for me”….the list is endless..

Sometimes you don’t know what you want to stop…. But you know something is running… running like an unforgettable open water-tap.

Even before learning to stop, knowing what top stop is the first step. NLP discovers the unaware and unwanted habits, behaviors, memories, and weaknesses etc. that have lived since you have lived. When you discover them, then you realize the affect they have on life of self and others.
Sure, you must have stopped a few of above by yourself, but have they struck you back? Or returned-back in some form ..why?
Because they just get temporary deleted..or hidden…but not permanently eliminated.

With NLP…you’ll know about things gone to re-cycle bin and require deletion.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Overweight? Wait over ..with NLP

Not to make light of any overweight person's achievement, I find it is important they understand that their current condition is something that they have achieved. Overweight may not be a desired achievement, yet it is an achievement! Another hidden achievement is their muscular body. Yes, muscular body.  They are the most enthusiastic exercise fanatics I've seen, most body-builders leave their weights at the gym.  carrying an extra 100 pounds all day every day creates an amazing amount of muscle. They get to enjoy their muscular body after they eat only enough for a person who is the target size and use the energy in their fat to carry their fat.

Overweight? Wait over! I'm becoming slimmer now! Slimmer, is more becoming.

The simple statement above is responsible for several clients becoming slimmer easily and happily. The very language of "lose? wait!" or is it "lose = weight" can play to the self image of confident (I am not a loser) and unconfident (I am a loser) people. The word 'overweight' also aptly describes the behavioral condition, they have been waiting too long before taking action. A delayed feedback loop (Hmm.. the irony!).
Speaking of feedback, most people need feedback to feel successfully motivated to continue their slimming behavior. Using the scale, or even the measuring tape, does not provide feedback often enough. A persons body always lets them know when it is using up fat reserves, hunger. Paying attention to this hunger signal provides immediate feedback that fat is being used. Enjoy being mildly hungry. The body provides adifferent signal when it runs low on energy, this signal definitely requires a little feeding 

I believe it is most important for you to find the beliefs and values that are effecting the clients weight. I have had a few who believed that, "Inevitably (presupposes the rest is true), everyone gets heavier as they get older." Their experience proved this out. No mater how many diets and exercise programs, they gained a few pounds each year. 3 pounds a year for 30 years is 90 pounds! Changing this belief with counterexamples etc results in a cascade of eating behavior changes that cause the client to conform to the new belief that they can now become slimmer.
Many of my clients were eating to maintain their poor self esteem. Eating feels good (comfort) and supports the proof of self esteem (achievement). I overcome this by teaching them how to feel wonderful anytime (link to stress triggers) and giving them a sense of connection to community, world & universe (comfort there).

Overweight people are usually experts on how to remove fat, what to eat, when to eat, which exercises, that energy in minus energy out = storage, etc. I confirm this in the pre-trance discussion. Then, after dealing with the "larger" issues, I provide confirming suggestions and future pace their use of this behavior.

Mental activities. What is acceptable or OK body shape at various ages?
  1. Note how quickly the mind thinks as it generalizes normal body shape at various ages.
  2. Pick a few examples of people who have the desired body shape.
  3. Quickly generalize, as before, the desired body shape as normal for self.
  4. Rapidly imagine consistently doing the following 2 activities. Repeat often.
Physical activities of becoming slimmer.
  1. Minimizing carbohydrates and sugars in diet.
  2. Maximizing physical activity. Guiding principle is to keep it simple.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Confidence with NLP

Confidence, or the lack of it, is a huge factor in peoples lives.  One of the most common questions people ask is how they can have more confidence.  What they are really asking is how they can have confidence at times when they do not. They feel that they could achieve what they want at those times if they felt confident.  Confidence is a resourceful state of mind, whereas feeling unconfident generally gets in the way of taking action and finding solutions.

Confident and unconfident are two sides of the same coin.

Like a coin, only one side at a time is evident.  Whenever un-confidence is felt, it indicates that confidence is present.  Ironically, when a person feels unconfident they are quite confident that they feel unconfident.  There are plenty of things they are confident about, that have brought them to the conclusion that they are unconfident about something.

To Feel Self Confidence: Stop thinking about what you can't do.  Focusing on what you are confident you can do, puts you into a confident and resourceful state of mind.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

NLP benefits in Business


The most important aspect of any business is its customers, and these days customers seem much more aware than they used to.
It is not enough simply to get the sale, the customer must feel that they got a good deal with an organization they are happy dealing with.
And in business, your reputation usually only comes from one source - that is satisfied customers - which is one of the most important NLP business benefits.
Important element for dealing with customers is listening and communicating in the right way.
For instance, if a customer says “I just don’t feel that this is the right car for me”, then responding with "but doesn't it look just great" is not going to resolve the issue.This is due to the fact that the customer is talking about how they feel. This feeling is not going to be changed without directly dealing with the feeling.
Improving your ability to pay attention to other peoples language, will help limit problems caused by miscommunication throughout your organization.
Another useful skill is rapport. Many customers will buy from you simply because they like you.


The same kinds of language and rapport building skills used with customers are very useful with other members of staff. NLP also has many persuasion techniques that can be subtlety used to move employees in the right direction, and its always useful to be able to motivate them.


As well as motivating your staff, learning how to motivate yourself can have a huge impact on your ability to work well for extended periods of time. Using NLP to improve your confidence, public speaking skills, and general tone of voice can have an amazing effect on the perception of you within the workplace, with the people you work with, and with your customers. A company full of professional, motivated people has huge advantages. This is probably the least recognized of all the NLP Business Benefits.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Because work speaks for itself ..

What our clients say about us :

Luckily I could learn NLP skills in just before I was to launch myself as an actor and director. I used skills like understanding Meta-programs and building Rapport to promote myself.
I learned how to connect to my unlimited inner resources and trigger my abilities to express different emotions, flex in different roles and perform. Using my voice tone as a big leverage to get through right from audition and to complete assignment. I could prove an edge over others. Soon no role was difficult.
What was surprising, during the NLP course nothing much I could relate and I kept wondering how would I use it. My NLP instructors were confident and kept assuring the rest. Now I can guarantee, just go through the NLP course as per the instructor’s expertise. You will get all the benefits.
-An established TV Actor of a record-breaking show, Mumbai

“..bringing additional business of Rs. 27 lacs was no longer a burden…”
People move on, leave companies amidst crisis and hardship. Two of my colleagues resigned in just near the end of final quarter. I had to deliver the results, no options. NLP teaches you how to manage stress, collapse bad Anchors, reframe the situation and specifically describe what do you want.
I thought I would forget to use NLP, like so many other programs I had undergone. I was surprised when everything I learned in NLP class became so easily usable.
I took over additional territory, made extra calls, handled more customers but surprisingly felt stress-free and calm. I made additional sales of Rs. 27 lacs.
-Senior Sales Professional, FMCG Hyderabad

“.. 10 years of working as professional, handling diversity and going to places!......Still upbringing children requires something else….”
As a father it was many a times difficult for me to manage my 7 yrs. old son. When my wife left for corporate assignment away from home, it became all the more difficult to cope with home and profession. One day I used my Anchoring skill with my child to keep him focused and attentive to finish home work. Then on it was never difficult. Even to get into right state after whole day work, life with my family became relaxing and in control.
In fact anyone who interacts with different age groups in any capacity, or desires personal enhancement, can definitely benefit by learning these NLP Anchoring skills.
-Business Development Manager, MNC, Hyderabad

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

NLP : What ,when ,how ,who ?

Is NLP and coaching same?
Coach approach is central to NLP technology. NLP has the essential element present in its structure. Presuppositions such as “ people have all the resources” frames like “ Outcome thinking” and Richards philosophy, “ feed-back is the breakfast of champions”, forms the basis to build innovative strategies of coaching.
NLP gives everything a coach needs to think decide and act, using feedback, to coach the client from P.S (present state) to D.S (desired state), empowering them to formulate their own creative strategies to accomplish their goals. NLP encourages “ solution focused approach” as opposed to problem-centered thinking. Meta models forms the basis of designing powerful questions, perhaps the most important part of coaching.
At Alphastars-India NLP Training, our Practitioner of NLP & specifically our Master Practitioner of NLP Course has been structured to contain the essential elements of solution focused coaching. It is useful to people who are aspiring to be a Coach, be it Executive, Business or Life Coach. It is beneficial and practical even for anyone aspiring to self-coach.

Who takes NLP Training?
Individuals working for Personal Growth.
If you are wanting to change your belief system or break unproductive habitual patterns. NLP skills can help you to interrupt age old and deeply embedded behaviors. Many of you want to drop emotional baggage or struggling to come out of prejudices.
Quite possible, you want to become dynamic, vibrant and influential, win million of hearts and get fame. NLP strategies are perfect blend of science and art. You can design step by step approach to be who you want to be. You will just become irresistible and sharp. We know some people think it is not possible because they work hard and consciously work to get rid of their fears and blocks and find it almost impossible. You want to multiply With NLP it is different, the whole approach to interrupt such patterns is very strategic and systematic. The process of change and transformation works at conscious and unconscious level.
You get assured quick and amazing results once you follow a right NLP strategy.

A Professionals Striving for Excellence.
No matter who you are, whatever you do and wherever you are in your life, whether you are already succeeding in your profession, facing obstacles, transitioning into a new level or planning a new venture, NLP strategies equips you to initiate, accomplish, sustain and enhance excellence. While these trainings connect you to your strengths and resources required to achieving your professional goals, you will also find that the “NLP Strategies” you learn will magically transform every aspect of your life. You will enjoy a remarkable improvement in your relationship at work and everywhere and most important, with yourself. We know, to excel is your inborn desire and NLP can help you.

Business Leaders & Manager wanting Team Success.
All of you need entrepreneurial spirit and cohesive team. NLP skills direct you to develop winning teams and comfortable relationships. Negotiations & Persuasion are the need of every professional. Solving problems, softening objections and clinching deals is desirable part of professional life. NLP gives you enough strength to design win-win approach in all sorts of situations.
You can communicate with precision, bridge gaps, increase productivity and effectiveness using the NLP model. You can get insight about how people think and respond. NLP framework helps you to map the hidden thought patterns and decision strategies of others and “you hit right on the nail”.

Where NLP is Useful?
Management, Coaching, Consultancy, Training, Leadership, Therapy, Communication, Sales, Education, Teaching, Administration health and many more....

How do I decide?
Aren’t books a better option than NLP workshop?
Books are good to gain knowledge. NLP Workshop makes you use what you know. NLP cannot be mastered other than experientially. In fact NLP workshop is the safest place to develop faith in the power of NLP skills. People often have similar circumstances and problem but each person is unique in response. This is because they come different psychological make up, attitude and way of perceiving the world. NLP Training gives you supervised and hands-on competence to deal with variety of situations confidently.

NLP Practical Training will lead you to:
Understand and come to terms with how we create different ‘subjective reality’ Design you personalized approach with NLP techniques to address uniqueness of individual.
Get a direct hands on practical experience of newly learned skills in a safe environment with ‘live subjects’
Test and amend your approach based on constructive, reliable feedback from the Certifying Trainers and the participants
Enrich yourself with innovative ideas and original training material. All this can only be possible when you work with “live clients”.
Celebrate success as you share discoveries and surprises with fellow practitioners and grow from strength to strength.

Which Program do I need?
What types and duration of NLP training are available?
At Alphastars-India NLP Training, we offer
Full Duration-Licensed Certified Practitioner of NLP and Master Practitioner of NLP 5days and 6 days programs.
Sat and Siri are Certified NLP trainer, have studied with the original and NLP co-developers, genius, Richard Bandler (The Society of NLP), John La Valle and Kathleen La Valle (NLP Seminar Group, NJ), Tony Robbins (Robbin Group of Companies). Coach U (Austarlia), NLP and Coach Certification (Canada). The NLP programs have been running since 1995, with a workshop held at different places each year.

Shorter Duration- We also offer customized corporate and open public 1/2/3-day training, covering a variety of skills and topics, such as Precision Communication, Persuasion and Sales, Outstanding Leadership, and Alpha-NLP-Coaching, Getting Results and NLP for Managers.
Custom-Designed NLP-You can contact us for NLP Business Applications in leadership, negotiation, coaching, therapy, creativity, sales, learning strategies, physical health, weight loss, addiction, and many others.

How do I evaluate?
How to ascertain the quality of an NLP Training Program?
This is very simple. First check the credentials of your trainer next ask who has certified them as trainers. Check their methodology, do they have enough practice sessions kept in the workshop or they are insisting more on pre-self-study and audio-based learning. What is the trainer to participant ratio; 1:10 is the most effective for experiential learning. Check is your trainer good at handling questions and communication at multiple levels to people from diverse fields. Find out if precise, genuine and originally designed training material is being offered or it is heap of notes gathered from different places.
Remember “ there is a strategy by which newcomer to NLP learn.” Most important fact about leaning NLP is size of information, sequence and quality of training material. Dr. Richard Bandler, the co-originator of NLP has very carefully designed the contents and instruction design system is well tested over three decades. Even the certification process has is authentic and verified. So you can be sure about quality of evaluation and training.

How NLP helps in Hypnotic Communication and Therapy?
NLP, Communication and Hypnosis are inseparable parts and are closely woven together. Integrated well, when they are applied synergistically, they definitely produce the best outcome.
Conversational Mastery in your business meetings and helps you to gain access to an altered state, through the artful use of hypnotic patterns while presenting facts, to influence at the unconscious level
The same linguistic patterns on the other hand enable you to release the effects of past negative experiences/emotions and change 'inappropriate' responses to different circumstances.
You can also effectively future pace and installs compelling events into the future using these language patterns.
All of the above abilities are dependent on the linguistic skills learnt in NLP. At Alphastars, India NLP Training we offer certification in NLP and workshop on Conversational Hypnosis. Undoubtedly these are the best tools to deal with many situations.