Thursday, June 6, 2013

Getting To Sleep: With NLP !

It's OK to sleep. IT IS OK TO SLEEP, you are safe, you will be OK and problems will be easier to manage as a result of sleeping. Ever hear "let me sleep on it"? Your unconscious mind is more capable than you at reviewing and sorting information while you sleep

Be awake when you need to be awake. : Being half asleep when you should be awake, is the same as being half awake when you should be asleep.If you are thinking of problems, write them down along with your ideas and musings. If you work at a brain dead job, pay attention instead of daydreaming or get a different job. If you are not working, get a project to work on

The easiest way to get your conscious internal processing to shut up and let you sleep, is to give it something to do that helps your mind relax. If your mind wanders onto other things, come back to paying attention to feeling each of the waves of deep relaxation spreading over your scalp and face. After you feel the first wave, you might notice yourself thinking "It cant relax more than this" but it does!  
After a little practice, this process has provided insomniac clients with the ability to sleep anytime and anywhere they want to.


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