Wednesday, June 5, 2013

NLP can stop some-things out of many-things… …don’t ahead read..if you don’t want what you want!

Sure there are things that need to stop in your life. Have you ever over committing your time?…. remember when you said someone ‘I’ll be there no matter what’ and then you don’t make it?.
Ever said yes when you wanted to say no? .. do you want to stop saying yes…every-time? you keep saying yes to your boss?.

What about happiness.. when was the last time you expected others to make you feel happy? ..  and the blame-game? … ever played it? …want to stop? …you know the answer.
How about time? some say time keeps running and ruining us .. you've heard yourself and others say ‘ not enough time’… how about some who have said ‘I give time to everything I want’.

Stress creates mess…. Especially if stress is over things you can’t control or change. … Do you want to focus on things you can change?
When was the last time? did something you didn't want to do for the LAST time? … something need to stop … that NLP can stop!
Human behavior is influenced by conditioning and making choices based on stubborn perception. “I can’t get rid of speaking loud when angry!” … “ I keep eating when I am sad” …. “ I feel nobody loves me” …”I think nothing works for me”….the list is endless..

Sometimes you don’t know what you want to stop…. But you know something is running… running like an unforgettable open water-tap.

Even before learning to stop, knowing what top stop is the first step. NLP discovers the unaware and unwanted habits, behaviors, memories, and weaknesses etc. that have lived since you have lived. When you discover them, then you realize the affect they have on life of self and others.
Sure, you must have stopped a few of above by yourself, but have they struck you back? Or returned-back in some form ..why?
Because they just get temporary deleted..or hidden…but not permanently eliminated.

With NLP…you’ll know about things gone to re-cycle bin and require deletion.

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