Friday, June 7, 2013

Remember,Recall and Relish with NLP

When was the last time you wondered about something and then got frustrated trying to remember?
Have you ever remembered anything partially and then got stuck for hours to recall?

Do you know that all of our experiences and memories are a result as of what we see, hear, feel, touch and smell? In NLP these senses are referred as the as the representational system.
But it’s not simple a model of five senses. Each system receives information/knowledge/communication and then activates memories to produce behavior. For e.g. – you hear a romantic song …whom did you remember?
As we receive this  information/knowledge from our senses, our brain codes them in the same manner. For eg., when we receive information visually, say …you saw an amazing car, or a wonderful dress. Then our brain codes this information as a ‘picture’.

The same way, brain codes information received ‘auditorily’ as sounds and words. Likewise, the information received in through our feelings is coded as a feeling or emotion
Let’s explore more with this illustration - We wrote this text in a software like word. So to save it we use a word file/format. And if later we have to retrieve this file again, we must retrieve it from the same format.

Similarly, when we store a memory visually, we will recall and describe that memory using visual language. Thus, we preserve the ‘format’ of visual. If we hear something and store it as a memory of sounds, we will recall and express that experience using auditory language.
So … the mind codes learning and memories the way we learned them. And we recall these memories, in the same rep system.
Let’s say - Suppose you bought a nice dress.
Suppose that you had already have seen a picture of that dress that you particularly liked. At the store you would look at the inventory. In choosing a dress to purchase, you would compare the dress which salesman shows you with the stored memory of the dress you wished to buy. Thus, you used the visual rep system both to store and code the memory of the dress you desired to purchase. You used the visual rep system to see the dress you wanted to consider buying. And you used the visual rep system to recall the memory of the dress you desired to purchase and to compare it with the dress you wanted.
Now think of …in same situation if you had stored the memory in auditory format, for eg- your friend saying you ‘ wow ..that’s what I call a dress !.... ‘ so at the would be convinced to purchase a dress if you head someone say to you ‘ wow…that’s what I call a dress!
NLP helps you know your mode of storing information and most effective tools and techniques for faster recall …. Imagine the possibilities if you knew your representational system accurately! 

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