Wednesday, March 13, 2013

NLP : What ,when ,how ,who ?

Is NLP and coaching same?
Coach approach is central to NLP technology. NLP has the essential element present in its structure. Presuppositions such as “ people have all the resources” frames like “ Outcome thinking” and Richards philosophy, “ feed-back is the breakfast of champions”, forms the basis to build innovative strategies of coaching.
NLP gives everything a coach needs to think decide and act, using feedback, to coach the client from P.S (present state) to D.S (desired state), empowering them to formulate their own creative strategies to accomplish their goals. NLP encourages “ solution focused approach” as opposed to problem-centered thinking. Meta models forms the basis of designing powerful questions, perhaps the most important part of coaching.
At Alphastars-India NLP Training, our Practitioner of NLP & specifically our Master Practitioner of NLP Course has been structured to contain the essential elements of solution focused coaching. It is useful to people who are aspiring to be a Coach, be it Executive, Business or Life Coach. It is beneficial and practical even for anyone aspiring to self-coach.

Who takes NLP Training?
Individuals working for Personal Growth.
If you are wanting to change your belief system or break unproductive habitual patterns. NLP skills can help you to interrupt age old and deeply embedded behaviors. Many of you want to drop emotional baggage or struggling to come out of prejudices.
Quite possible, you want to become dynamic, vibrant and influential, win million of hearts and get fame. NLP strategies are perfect blend of science and art. You can design step by step approach to be who you want to be. You will just become irresistible and sharp. We know some people think it is not possible because they work hard and consciously work to get rid of their fears and blocks and find it almost impossible. You want to multiply With NLP it is different, the whole approach to interrupt such patterns is very strategic and systematic. The process of change and transformation works at conscious and unconscious level.
You get assured quick and amazing results once you follow a right NLP strategy.

A Professionals Striving for Excellence.
No matter who you are, whatever you do and wherever you are in your life, whether you are already succeeding in your profession, facing obstacles, transitioning into a new level or planning a new venture, NLP strategies equips you to initiate, accomplish, sustain and enhance excellence. While these trainings connect you to your strengths and resources required to achieving your professional goals, you will also find that the “NLP Strategies” you learn will magically transform every aspect of your life. You will enjoy a remarkable improvement in your relationship at work and everywhere and most important, with yourself. We know, to excel is your inborn desire and NLP can help you.

Business Leaders & Manager wanting Team Success.
All of you need entrepreneurial spirit and cohesive team. NLP skills direct you to develop winning teams and comfortable relationships. Negotiations & Persuasion are the need of every professional. Solving problems, softening objections and clinching deals is desirable part of professional life. NLP gives you enough strength to design win-win approach in all sorts of situations.
You can communicate with precision, bridge gaps, increase productivity and effectiveness using the NLP model. You can get insight about how people think and respond. NLP framework helps you to map the hidden thought patterns and decision strategies of others and “you hit right on the nail”.

Where NLP is Useful?
Management, Coaching, Consultancy, Training, Leadership, Therapy, Communication, Sales, Education, Teaching, Administration health and many more....

How do I decide?
Aren’t books a better option than NLP workshop?
Books are good to gain knowledge. NLP Workshop makes you use what you know. NLP cannot be mastered other than experientially. In fact NLP workshop is the safest place to develop faith in the power of NLP skills. People often have similar circumstances and problem but each person is unique in response. This is because they come different psychological make up, attitude and way of perceiving the world. NLP Training gives you supervised and hands-on competence to deal with variety of situations confidently.

NLP Practical Training will lead you to:
Understand and come to terms with how we create different ‘subjective reality’ Design you personalized approach with NLP techniques to address uniqueness of individual.
Get a direct hands on practical experience of newly learned skills in a safe environment with ‘live subjects’
Test and amend your approach based on constructive, reliable feedback from the Certifying Trainers and the participants
Enrich yourself with innovative ideas and original training material. All this can only be possible when you work with “live clients”.
Celebrate success as you share discoveries and surprises with fellow practitioners and grow from strength to strength.

Which Program do I need?
What types and duration of NLP training are available?
At Alphastars-India NLP Training, we offer
Full Duration-Licensed Certified Practitioner of NLP and Master Practitioner of NLP 5days and 6 days programs.
Sat and Siri are Certified NLP trainer, have studied with the original and NLP co-developers, genius, Richard Bandler (The Society of NLP), John La Valle and Kathleen La Valle (NLP Seminar Group, NJ), Tony Robbins (Robbin Group of Companies). Coach U (Austarlia), NLP and Coach Certification (Canada). The NLP programs have been running since 1995, with a workshop held at different places each year.

Shorter Duration- We also offer customized corporate and open public 1/2/3-day training, covering a variety of skills and topics, such as Precision Communication, Persuasion and Sales, Outstanding Leadership, and Alpha-NLP-Coaching, Getting Results and NLP for Managers.
Custom-Designed NLP-You can contact us for NLP Business Applications in leadership, negotiation, coaching, therapy, creativity, sales, learning strategies, physical health, weight loss, addiction, and many others.

How do I evaluate?
How to ascertain the quality of an NLP Training Program?
This is very simple. First check the credentials of your trainer next ask who has certified them as trainers. Check their methodology, do they have enough practice sessions kept in the workshop or they are insisting more on pre-self-study and audio-based learning. What is the trainer to participant ratio; 1:10 is the most effective for experiential learning. Check is your trainer good at handling questions and communication at multiple levels to people from diverse fields. Find out if precise, genuine and originally designed training material is being offered or it is heap of notes gathered from different places.
Remember “ there is a strategy by which newcomer to NLP learn.” Most important fact about leaning NLP is size of information, sequence and quality of training material. Dr. Richard Bandler, the co-originator of NLP has very carefully designed the contents and instruction design system is well tested over three decades. Even the certification process has is authentic and verified. So you can be sure about quality of evaluation and training.

How NLP helps in Hypnotic Communication and Therapy?
NLP, Communication and Hypnosis are inseparable parts and are closely woven together. Integrated well, when they are applied synergistically, they definitely produce the best outcome.
Conversational Mastery in your business meetings and helps you to gain access to an altered state, through the artful use of hypnotic patterns while presenting facts, to influence at the unconscious level
The same linguistic patterns on the other hand enable you to release the effects of past negative experiences/emotions and change 'inappropriate' responses to different circumstances.
You can also effectively future pace and installs compelling events into the future using these language patterns.
All of the above abilities are dependent on the linguistic skills learnt in NLP. At Alphastars, India NLP Training we offer certification in NLP and workshop on Conversational Hypnosis. Undoubtedly these are the best tools to deal with many situations.

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