Friday, July 26, 2013

The Fundamentals of NLP :

1. Know what you want (Outcome / Direction)
One of the key NLP questions is ‘What do you want?’. The human nervous system
can be thought of as goal-seeking, and you tend to get what you focus on. Wellformed outcomes are an important tool for ensuring that you get more of what you
want in your life.

2. Get the attention of the unconscious mind (Rapport)
"The map is not the territory." You must start where the person you wish to influence
is (the ‘Present State’.) Rapport is the process of getting the attention and trust of
the unconscious mind.

3. Know whether you’re getting what you want (Sensory Acuity)
Once you know where you want to go, you need to be able to notice (using one or
more senses) whether or not you are going there. Sensory acuity refers to the ability
to notice the signs that you are moving in the right direction (or otherwise.)

4. Adjust what you’re doing accordingly (Behavioural Flexibility)
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result."
When you notice that you are not getting what you want, you need the flexibility to
change what you are doing in order to get a different result. "Intelligence is the
ability to have a fixed goal and be flexible about how you achieve it."

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