Tuesday, June 25, 2013

You and Emotions

What can you do to improve your emotional quality of life?
Set goals to become more aware of your own states. Set goals to be less reactive emotionally, and more proactive, so that your emotional states depend less on what happens to you, and more on your own choices.
If you do not know how to use anchors, just think of an emotion you want, like calmness if you are anxious, and remember one of your best memories of feeling really calm. In your imagination put yourself fully back into this memory for at least a minute, noticing what you are seeing and hearing around you in the memory until you feel calmer. You can use this process for any emotional state and the more often you use it the easier and quicker it becomes. Pretty much the only thing that will stop you, is believing that you can’t. Practice believing you can.
Your emotions can teach you a lot about your values and what is really important to you. For example, if something makes you feel really angry, a core value may have been violated. What is it? Anger isn’t necessarily bad, but lack of anger management skills usually is. Learn how to express anger appropriately in the specific context. There are a wide range of emotional skills you can improve.
You will find that daily reflective journalling is one of the most useful practices to enable you to continue to develop your emotional intelligence skills, and improve life genrally. Which particular applications of emotional intelligence would make the most difference to your quality of life, and to those around you? Enjoy exploring this further.
Go well, be well.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Science Behind Persuasion... with NLP

Persuasion. Manipulation.
Getting other people to say yes!
Helping others.
Call it what you will…
Persuading others is a key skill to succeeding in life.
There are countless methods and ways we are all influence-able.
However not all methods are universal.
Yet there are six are.
Six tactics that act as universal "shortcuts" and can be used to influence your choices and make you and me more malleable to being persuaded to yes.
Watch the above video to learn more as Robert Cialdini & Steve Martin cover all six universal shortcuts of persuasion.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Selling With NLP

Selling: The ability to sell.... is it really a skill some people are born with or is it a process, sales cycle steps, to learn and apply? 

"Runs Like A Well Oiled Machine"  is a common metaphor for an effective and profitable business.  This means that the business has an effective process that generates orders for the value the business provides, as well as an effective process of providing that value.

SALES ($ALE$): To motivate, persuade and influence people into making mutually beneficial decisions.
Most NLP sales trainings, sales books and sales seminars focus on the skills to motivate, persuade and influence people  They may also instruct in marketing, presentation, proposal and closing strategies, even exact phrasing to use, for specific industries and specific products.  Businesses also have existing resources, the things already done and said to generate sales.  These are all components to be assembled (and tested) on the framework of your Sales Buy-Cycle, to make it run smoother... and  faster... so that you win more often.

Sales is what drives every business.  Get your Sales Buy-Cycle going with the resources you have, then call on the experts that can help improve each step.  Now you have a model of the selling process, a place to use and test the knowledge in sales books and trainings.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Self - Perfection with NLP

Some people hold this notion (their idea of perfection) in their mind as their criteria for success. The best definition of success I have ever heard is, "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."

This 'worthy ideal' can be shared in whole or in part by many people, a few, or only one individual. I often find that clients who feel unhappy, unsuccessful, unworthy or low self esteem (whatever you want to call it), have no idea what the 'worthy ideal' is for them. Getting these clients to use the following optimum performance strategies, achieves dramatically positive results; feelings of accomplishment, self satisfaction and happiness.

Universal Connection. You know that you are comprised of a wide variety of atoms. Where do your atoms come from? Energy (at the heart of atoms) cannot be created nor destroyed. It can be converted. That being the case, your atoms have been in existence since the beginning of the universe. Since the beginning of time, energy from the sun and earth is converted into the food you eat and converted into you. You are an ongoing transformation of the energy in this universe. A transformation of energy so intricate and marvelous that you can reflect upon yourself and the universe, a way for the universe to examine itself! Realize now that you are connected to everything, in all of time. Realize that you are interacting with everyone and everything. i.e. Whether you speak out or are silent - you have an effect!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Remember,Recall and Relish with NLP

When was the last time you wondered about something and then got frustrated trying to remember?
Have you ever remembered anything partially and then got stuck for hours to recall?

Do you know that all of our experiences and memories are a result as of what we see, hear, feel, touch and smell? In NLP these senses are referred as the as the representational system.
But it’s not simple a model of five senses. Each system receives information/knowledge/communication and then activates memories to produce behavior. For e.g. – you hear a romantic song …whom did you remember?
As we receive this  information/knowledge from our senses, our brain codes them in the same manner. For eg., when we receive information visually, say …you saw an amazing car, or a wonderful dress. Then our brain codes this information as a ‘picture’.

The same way, brain codes information received ‘auditorily’ as sounds and words. Likewise, the information received in through our feelings is coded as a feeling or emotion
Let’s explore more with this illustration - We wrote this text in a software like word. So to save it we use a word file/format. And if later we have to retrieve this file again, we must retrieve it from the same format.

Similarly, when we store a memory visually, we will recall and describe that memory using visual language. Thus, we preserve the ‘format’ of visual. If we hear something and store it as a memory of sounds, we will recall and express that experience using auditory language.
So … the mind codes learning and memories the way we learned them. And we recall these memories, in the same rep system.
Let’s say - Suppose you bought a nice dress.
Suppose that you had already have seen a picture of that dress that you particularly liked. At the store you would look at the inventory. In choosing a dress to purchase, you would compare the dress which salesman shows you with the stored memory of the dress you wished to buy. Thus, you used the visual rep system both to store and code the memory of the dress you desired to purchase. You used the visual rep system to see the dress you wanted to consider buying. And you used the visual rep system to recall the memory of the dress you desired to purchase and to compare it with the dress you wanted.
Now think of …in same situation if you had stored the memory in auditory format, for eg- your friend saying you ‘ wow ..that’s what I call a dress !.... ‘ so at the store..you would be convinced to purchase a dress if you head someone say to you ‘ wow…that’s what I call a dress!
NLP helps you know your mode of storing information and most effective tools and techniques for faster recall …. Imagine the possibilities if you knew your representational system accurately! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Getting To Sleep: With NLP !

It's OK to sleep. IT IS OK TO SLEEP, you are safe, you will be OK and problems will be easier to manage as a result of sleeping. Ever hear "let me sleep on it"? Your unconscious mind is more capable than you at reviewing and sorting information while you sleep

Be awake when you need to be awake. : Being half asleep when you should be awake, is the same as being half awake when you should be asleep.If you are thinking of problems, write them down along with your ideas and musings. If you work at a brain dead job, pay attention instead of daydreaming or get a different job. If you are not working, get a project to work on

The easiest way to get your conscious internal processing to shut up and let you sleep, is to give it something to do that helps your mind relax. If your mind wanders onto other things, come back to paying attention to feeling each of the waves of deep relaxation spreading over your scalp and face. After you feel the first wave, you might notice yourself thinking "It cant relax more than this" but it does!  
After a little practice, this process has provided insomniac clients with the ability to sleep anytime and anywhere they want to.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

NLP can stop some-things out of many-things… …don’t ahead read..if you don’t want what you want!

Sure there are things that need to stop in your life. Have you ever over committing your time?…. remember when you said someone ‘I’ll be there no matter what’ and then you don’t make it?.
Ever said yes when you wanted to say no? .. do you want to stop saying yes…every-time? ...do you keep saying yes to your boss?.

What about happiness.. when was the last time you expected others to make you feel happy? ..  and the blame-game? … ever played it? …want to stop? …you know the answer.
How about time? some say time keeps running and ruining us .. you've heard yourself and others say ‘ not enough time’… how about some who have said ‘I give time to everything I want’.

Stress creates mess…. Especially if stress is over things you can’t control or change. … Do you want to focus on things you can change?
When was the last time? ..you did something you didn't want to do for the LAST time? … something need to stop … that NLP can stop!
Human behavior is influenced by conditioning and making choices based on stubborn perception. “I can’t get rid of speaking loud when angry!” … “ I keep eating when I am sad” …. “ I feel nobody loves me” …”I think nothing works for me”….the list is endless..

Sometimes you don’t know what you want to stop…. But you know something is running… running like an unforgettable open water-tap.

Even before learning to stop, knowing what top stop is the first step. NLP discovers the unaware and unwanted habits, behaviors, memories, and weaknesses etc. that have lived since you have lived. When you discover them, then you realize the affect they have on life of self and others.
Sure, you must have stopped a few of above by yourself, but have they struck you back? Or returned-back in some form ..why?
Because they just get temporary deleted..or hidden…but not permanently eliminated.

With NLP…you’ll know about things gone to re-cycle bin and require deletion.